Forty years after the collapse of human civilization vampires and werewolves have crawled out of the shadows to reclaim the day. Fallout blocks out the the sun and sea level rise has made all coastal cities diseased swamps. Hell for humans. Paradise for fiends. In New York City, renamed "Neoropa," an alliance of fiends have banded together to create a quasi Anarcho-Syndicalist commune. Unfortunately, power corrupts and the vampire elite have placed themselves at the top of the City State’s power structure – relegating werewolves to government serfs. The terrifying and tragic inhabitants occupy the story, as tensions grow between Laborers and Intelligentsia - two warring classes on different sides of Society. An Idealistic Cause raises it’s passionate fist against oppressive Authoritarian Police States in a horror story that’s sure to please any comic fan.

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writer: John J. Perez
artist: Javier Martin Caba
letterer: Micah Myers
cover: Goran Gligovic
editor: Daniel Mills
logo: Amanda Rey